Welcome to

sage + blush wellness

Expanding Our Capacity to Feel Good

& Come Home to the Soul that You Are.

Welcome to Your Sacred Space

Welcome to this sacred sanctuary, where the weight of the world can fall away. You can shed your armor and enjoy the energy of unconditional love. You are supported here, as the radiant light you truly are.
This community is home. Our loving soul-family welcomes you. Come as you are, be as you are.
Open your heart and mind to the profound gift of self-care. In this sacred space you can nurture your spirit, and allow yourself to receive everything you need to flourish and thrive.

Mountain Breathwork Infused with Reiki Membership

8 sixty minute live group zoom classes each month plus occasional bonus classes.

  • Access to a vast library of on-demand classes

  • Exclusive offerings in Akashic, Reiki, Mountain Breathwork, and Coaching

  • 10% discount on 1:1 sessions with Siri and certifications (not combinable with other discounts)

  • Supportive Facebook accountability group

All for just $88/month—cancel anytime!

I’m thrilled to announce our upcoming schedule for Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki sessions, where we’ll explore the transformative power of breath and energy healing in alignment with the moon’s cycles. Each session is designed to help you connect deeply with yourself, release what no longer serves you, and set intentions for growth and transformation.

Moon Cycles and Breathwork

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings and setting intentions. It’s a time to reflect inward and cultivate fresh energy. Practicing breathwork during this phase can help you clear mental clutter, enhance self-awareness, and establish goals that align with your deepest desires.

The full moon, on the other hand, represents culmination and release. This is an ideal time to let go of what no longer serves you—be it habits, emotions, or limiting beliefs. Breathwork can facilitate this release by helping you connect with your breath, allowing for emotional release and purification as you surrender to the moon's expansive energy.

The Healing Power of Breathwork

Breathwork itself is a powerful tool for emotional and physical healing. By consciously controlling your breath, you can reduce stress, enhance clarity, and increase your overall sense of well-being. It promotes relaxation, grounding, and a deeper connection to your body and mind.

When combined with the moon's cycles, breathwork can amplify its effects, allowing participants to align their personal healing journeys with the natural rhythms of the universe. Together, they create a holistic practice that encourages transformation, balance, and inner peace.

Each session will guide you through breathwork practices and Reiki energy healing, allowing for deep relaxation and personal transformation. Whether you’re looking to release stress, gain clarity, or set new intentions, these sessions are a wonderful opportunity for growth.

🌕 Mountain Breathwork Infused with Reiki Group Zoom Schedule

September 2024:

  • Monday, September 2 (9 AM): Waxing Crescent in VirgoSetting Intentions for Growth

  • Tuesday, September 3 (6:30 PM): Waxing Crescent in VirgoBuilding Energy for New Projects

  • Monday, September 9 (9 AM): First Quarter in SagittariusOvercoming Obstacles

  • Tuesday, September 10 (6:30 PM): First Quarter in SagittariusResilience and Action

  • Monday, September 16 (9 AM): Waxing Gibbous in PiscesFine-Tuning Goals

  • Tuesday, September 17 (6:30 PM): Waxing Gibbous in PiscesClarity and Adjustment

  • Monday, September 23 (9 AM): Full Moon in AriesHarvesting Results, Emotional Release

  • Tuesday, September 24 (6:30 PM): Full Moon in AriesCulmination and Gratitude

  • Monday, September 30 (9 AM): Waning Gibbous in TaurusReflecting on Accomplishments

October 2024:

  • Tuesday, October 1 (6:30 PM): Waning Gibbous in TaurusGratitude and Sharing Wisdom

  • Monday, October 7 (9 AM): Last Quarter in CancerLetting Go of What No Longer Serves

  • Tuesday, October 8 (6:30 PM): Last Quarter in CancerRelease and Declutter

  • Monday, October 14 (9 AM): New Moon in LibraNew Beginnings, Setting Fresh Intentions

  • Tuesday, October 15 (6:30 PM): New Moon in LibraManifesting New Goals

  • Monday, October 21 (9 AM): Waxing Crescent in ScorpioNurturing Growth and Creativity

  • Tuesday, October 22 (6:30 PM): Waxing Crescent in ScorpioStepping Forward with Confidence

  • Monday, October 28 (9 AM): First Quarter in AquariusDecision-Making and Overcoming Doubts

  • Tuesday, October 29 (6:30 PM): First Quarter in AquariusTaking Bold Actions

November 2024:

  • Monday, November 4 (9 AM): Waxing Gibbous in AriesBuilding Momentum

  • Tuesday, November 5 (6:30 PM): Waxing Gibbous in AriesFine-Tuning Your Vision

  • Monday, November 11 (9 AM): Full Moon in TaurusRelease, Clarity, and Celebration

  • Tuesday, November 12 (6:30 PM): Full Moon in TaurusAmplifying Positive Energy

  • Monday, November 18 (9 AM): Waning Gibbous in GeminiReflection and Inner Wisdom

  • Tuesday, November 19 (6:30 PM): Waning Gibbous in GeminiGratitude and Inner Peace

  • Monday, November 25 (9 AM): Last Quarter in LeoReleasing the Old, Preparing for Change

  • Tuesday, November 26 (6:30 PM): Last Quarter in LeoRecalibrating and Simplifying Life

December 2024:

  • Monday, December 2 (9 AM): New Moon in SagittariusDeep Rest and Planting Seeds for the New Year

  • Tuesday, December 3 (6:30 PM): New Moon in SagittariusNew Intentions for the Future

  • Monday, December 9 (9 AM): Waxing Crescent in CapricornBuilding New Paths

  • Tuesday, December 10 (6:30 PM): Waxing Crescent in CapricornNurturing New Opportunities

  • Monday, December 16 (9 AM): First Quarter in LibraTaking Action in Alignment with Your Goals

  • Tuesday, December 17 (6:30 PM): First Quarter in LibraBreaking Through Challenges

  • Monday, December 23 (9 AM): Full Moon in CancerIllumination, Celebration, and Release

  • Tuesday, December 24 (6:30 PM): Full Moon in CancerHarvest and Completion for 2024

  • Monday, December 30 (9 AM): Waning Gibbous in LeoReflection and Gratitude for the Year

  • Tuesday, December 31 (6:30 PM): Waning Gibbous in LeoHonoring Your Journey and Letting Go

Join the Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki membership

Joining the membership allows you to access the library of pre-recorded classes

What if you were allowed to be deeply in love with yourself—and it wasn’t selfish or wrong? What if prioritizing your needs, wants, and desires meant you were doing it all right? Imagine trusting your heart as your wisest compass.

What if seeking evidence of what’s working became your antidote to the negativity the ego uses to keep you small?

Here’s your invitation to love yourself more deeply today. This is the main event! You are worthy of love. You are whole and deserving simply because you exist!

What Does sage + blush wellness mean?

Sage symbolizes wisdom and tranquility, inspired by the Gohonzon I received as a Buddhist. It represents calm, growth, and love.

Blush reflects the sweet, feminine energy from our wedding colors, symbolizing the blossoming lotus flower. These hues also adorned our first home and now define our Airbnb.

Together, sage and blush embody the essence of the rose, aligning with our Spiritual Tools certifications and Akashic Record Readings for emotional clearing.

I’m honored to share this energy through our healing practices, including Breathwork, Reiki, and Akashic Record readings. My hope is that you feel the welcoming essence of sage + blush and discover a true sense of home and inner peace within yourself.